
Sara wanted to gather data about the cost of local gyms in her area. She plotted the data and determined that the average gym costs consist of a one-time registration fee and a monthly fee modeled by the equation y = 10x + 30.Identify and interpret the y-intercept in this model.a. The y-intercept is 30. This is the cost of registration.b. The y-intercept is 30. This is the cost per month.c. The y-intercept is 10. This is the cost of registration.d. The y-intercept is 10. This is the cost per month.

Accepted Solution

[tex]\bf y = \stackrel{\stackrel{monthly~fee}{\downarrow} }{10}~~\stackrel{\stackrel{month}{\downarrow }}{x}+\underset{y-intercept}{\stackrel{\stackrel{registration~fee}{\downarrow }}{30}}~\hfill \impliedby \begin{array}{|c|ll} \cline{1-1} slope-intercept~form\\ \cline{1-1} \\ y=\underset{y-intercept}{\stackrel{slope\qquad }{\stackrel{\downarrow }{m}x+\underset{\uparrow }{b}}} \\\\ \cline{1-1} \end{array}[/tex]